Saturday, July 7, 2012

Bridgeport - Part I

Last Saturday hubby, me and our dog Little Bit headed toward the eastern sierras for the 4th of July weekend. We were heading to Bridgeport California for three nights and were about to participate in an old fashioned Independence Day weekend. We went with one of our boating buddies that has family in Nevada. We arrived mid afternoon and checked into our motel. That night our boating buddies brother had gotten all of us tickets for the cowboy poetry show at the Bridgeport Ranch. The headliners were Don Edwards and Brenn Hill.
Click on any photograph to BIGGIFY!
Hubby and I have heard cowboy poetry before and found it rather hokey. Well we were in for a surprise indeed. What a wonderful patriotic show and the backdrop of those mountains were breathtakingly beautiful. It lasted for three hours and we could have stayed even longer. We went away feeling so very proud to be an American.
We went back to the motel, shared some champagne together and talked about what a wonderful show we had just seen. We had a full day planned for Sunday so it was time to call it a night. Tomorrow it's exploring Bear and Lois' ranch on top of a hill in Nevada.

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