Monday, July 9, 2012

Bridgeport - Part III

There were tons of different events going on all weekend. Bridgeport didn't just have a parade, they had a host of fun events for every age group. Here is their FLYER. I've not seen a town in a very long time that has so much going on all weekend long.

We enjoyed the parade and one thing really stuck out for me. The honor that was paid to our military was awesome. They were first to start the parade off. We had several different factions of our armed forces and people stood when they passed. I was again proud to be an American.
Click on any photograph to BIGGIFY!

The first picture above is a pair of those wranglers I was taking about along with the flag. There were thousands upon thousands of flags all weekend long. We also wanted to show you those spurs from yesterdays post. I just love the sound of spurs.

The next shot is Bears Model A in the parade. It runs like a top and really fit with this old fashioned 4th of July theme. The next photograph looks like a chuck wagon and so that's what it is. It's pulled by a team of mules. We found it most interesting.

The next shot is of Bridgeport with those beautiful mountains as the backdrop. We just can't do the photograph justice. The mountains are breathtaking.

After returning to Bear and Lois' house we took a long hike up to a old mine. The trip was about a mile and a half on foot, uphill. Physically I can walk for hours, but not at that altitude. Where I live the altitude is 82 feet. We were at about 6,500 feet. I made it to the top (I'm stubborn) and it was worth the hike. You could see the entire valley below.

We headed back to the house and had cocktails. Brian was doing Tri-tip and baby back ribs and all of us were hungry after a full day of activity. We had a fabulous meal and shared the evening together. The last photograph is the rainbow that appeared as we were having dinner. Bear treated us to a western story (Dangerous Dan McGrew) that was fabulous and around 10:15 we hugged everyone goodbye for the last time as we were all heading home in the morning.

On the way back to the motel hubby and I talked about the Harvard study about 4th of July celebrations making kids more prone to be republicans. David Yanagizawa-Drott, the assistant professor of public policy of Harvard University's Kennedy School who co-wrote the study with Andreas Madestam of Bocconi University, thinks this is true. All I have to say about this study is if they are correct there were a hold bunch of little republicans in the making in Bridgeport on Independence day. God Bless the USA!

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